Online Bible Study

Online Bible Study

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Book to Review....

When you send a request to submit book blogs for a publisher, if you're selected, you have the opportunity to select the books you would like to review. THIS is the book I was privileged to select this time and I can't wait to get it, read it and submit my review!

When I arrived in Atlanta last Tuesday night, I was already burdened by what God has in store for me to do next. My youngest daughter will be completing 5th grade and moving on to middle school (OH MY GOSH, where has the time gone?!?!?!), which creates big changes for me in schools and Church. I have been leading a 4th & 5th grade small group at Church that will come to a close this month (Children's Ministry). I have also been co-leading a 4-H club at the elementary school, which will come to a close (should I start a new club at middle school?). So God, what's next for me? I also teach the 5th grade Sunday School group every other month (do I continue with that)? What would you like me to do?
Orange and Andy Stanley have helped me answer this question. I should rephrase that, I don't HAVE the answer, but I know where to go to find it! Thanks to Andy Stanley's book "Visioneering" and Reggie Joiner's conference - regarding making a difference in the lives of others. Andy's book outlines the steps to make these kinds of decisions - and I NEED someone to show me how to do that!
I have a feeling I know WHAT I want to accomplish for Him (the passions inside me), but not the exact WAY He wants me to do prayer, research, reading and time will help provide the direction...please pray for me as I walk this path over the next few months....I am so extremely blessed!

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