I was truly honored to be a part of this blog tour for Collaborate, a unique book authored by Michael Chanley + 34 ministers, teacher, leaders and thinkers. The first chapter, by Michael Chanley, begins “Churches everywhere are desperately searching for how to best help families raise Christ-centered kids in our increasingly Christ-critical culture.” He asks if it’s the churches, the pastor’s, the families or the parent’s responsibility to develop a child’s Spirituality? He goes on to reference an important message he heard from Reggie Joiner, founder and CEO of the reThink Group. Reggie reminds us that the church has about 40 hours per year with a child, but parents have over 3,000. We have to get the message into the home. This book is a collaborative response to do just that. And every chapter is unique and thought-provoking.
As a passionate children’s ministry volunteer, previous youth ministry volunteer, mother of three children: one 26 year old son and two daughters (ages 10 - elementary school and 12 - middle school), I am truly committed to this movement! Although my son is an amazing young man and a blessing to my life, you are never too old to learn more or to be a better parent. As I consider my own spiritual walk/development and the individuals responsible for shaping/creating it, the first person who comes to my mind is my mother. She was an amazing Christian woman; she was the most humble, Christ-like human being I have ever known. However, when I thought about filling those shoes with my own children, I didn’t feel qualified. Collaborate addresses those concerns. It reminds those serving in ministry that parents need help along the way and who better to help them but the church.
There are so many chapters/authors/topics that inspired me that this review is difficult to write. One idea that stood out to me was by Brian Hayes, associate pastor for Kingsland Baptist Church in Katy, Texas. He identifies four key church behaviors to assist parents. I believe these ideas would be beneficial in every church (but I’m not going to tell you what they are-you have to pick up a copy of the book to find out!).
I always appreciate Reggie Joiner; his passion for ministry/saving the lost, spiritual depth and intelligence come across in every word he speaks or writes. He states “If we can be more effective at engaging parents to partner in our ministries, and improve the quality of relationships in the family, we will increase the possibility of a child having a dynamic and authentic faith.” And isn’t that what we all want (as ministers or parents)?
I strongly suggest everyone read this book. (You can even buy a copy for every member on your church staff.) If the ideas shared in this book are implemented, the Spiritual future of our next generation will be changed.
(Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of collaborate from minister’s label as part of the book blog tour. Please visit Collaborate at the following on-line addresses: http://twitter.com/CollaborateBook, http://ww.facebook.com/pages/Collaborate-Family-Church/391474385213, www.youtube.com/ministerslabel, www.ministerslabel.com or www.collaboratebook.com)
As a passionate children’s ministry volunteer, previous youth ministry volunteer, mother of three children: one 26 year old son and two daughters (ages 10 - elementary school and 12 - middle school), I am truly committed to this movement! Although my son is an amazing young man and a blessing to my life, you are never too old to learn more or to be a better parent. As I consider my own spiritual walk/development and the individuals responsible for shaping/creating it, the first person who comes to my mind is my mother. She was an amazing Christian woman; she was the most humble, Christ-like human being I have ever known. However, when I thought about filling those shoes with my own children, I didn’t feel qualified. Collaborate addresses those concerns. It reminds those serving in ministry that parents need help along the way and who better to help them but the church.
There are so many chapters/authors/topics that inspired me that this review is difficult to write. One idea that stood out to me was by Brian Hayes, associate pastor for Kingsland Baptist Church in Katy, Texas. He identifies four key church behaviors to assist parents. I believe these ideas would be beneficial in every church (but I’m not going to tell you what they are-you have to pick up a copy of the book to find out!).
I always appreciate Reggie Joiner; his passion for ministry/saving the lost, spiritual depth and intelligence come across in every word he speaks or writes. He states “If we can be more effective at engaging parents to partner in our ministries, and improve the quality of relationships in the family, we will increase the possibility of a child having a dynamic and authentic faith.” And isn’t that what we all want (as ministers or parents)?
I strongly suggest everyone read this book. (You can even buy a copy for every member on your church staff.) If the ideas shared in this book are implemented, the Spiritual future of our next generation will be changed.
(Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of collaborate from minister’s label as part of the book blog tour. Please visit Collaborate at the following on-line addresses: http://twitter.com/CollaborateBook, http://ww.facebook.com/pages/Collaborate-Family-Church/391474385213, www.youtube.com/ministerslabel, www.ministerslabel.com or www.collaboratebook.com)