Online Bible Study

Online Bible Study

Friday, December 10, 2010

Encouragement for Single Moms
A comprehensive guide to traversing single motherhood successfully

Teresa Whitehurst has experienced the challenges of single motherhood firsthand and tackles these pressing issues in her new book God Loves Single Moms. Filled with encouragement, compassion and contagious enthusiasm, the author helps readers discover how to make single parenthood a success through her practical tips, professional insights, and the knowledge that they are truly loved by God.

Personally, I remember first hand, feeling like such a failure in God’s eyes. Growing up in a Christian home, I was taught NEVER to judge others for any reason (and my mother NEVER did). However, divorce was NEVER considered an option (although, as an adult looking back, there was no REAL reason for my mom or dad to contemplate divorce). When I was faced with initiating the action in my own life (with no parents to validate/reassure/even forgive me in my decision), with a son that meant the world to me-to raise in the best way I could, I stopped at a Church completely unfamiliar to me and requested to speak with the Pastor. I asked him, point-blank, if God would forgive me (and more importantly, still LOVE me) if I sought a divorce. It was the absolute hardest decision I have EVER made in my life!

Each chapter looks at a different challenge and includes Scripture, prayers, questions for reflection, and inspiring stories from other single moms. There is also a thorough inventory questionnaire that helps readers take an in-depth look at the various aspects of their personal and family life and gauge areas where they are succeeding and areas where they would like to see improvement.

Although my divorce was MANY years ago, this book was a source of comfort to me. My son, now 27 years old, turned out to be the MOST AMAZING young man I have ever known (in spite of me)! As a matter of fact, he proposed marriage to his girlfriend this past Monday night (pictured below), which caused me to ponder the enormous responsibility of marriage and the life he and I shared, with God’s help every step of the way!

Teresa Whitehurst is a clinical psychologist who provides counseling as well as personal and career coaching. She has worked as a psychotherapist for many years in private practice, at Harvard Medical School, and at Kaiser-Permanente. Dr. Whitehurst writes and speaks on parenting and personal development issues and is the author of How Would Jesus Raise Your Child? She is a single mom who has two adult daughters and two grandchildren.

Available November 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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