Online Bible Study

Online Bible Study

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's funny, I haven't been posting "Thankful Thursday" posts for long (and haven't written them EVERY Thursday as I initially hoped I would), but I can't remember what/who I've written about! I am going to credit old age for that gift - and if I re-post something, hope you will forgive me!

Today, I HAVE to post about my son, Peter! There are no words to describe how much I adore this young man! For many years, I credited him for my existence! He was my world and a tremendous blessing to me! As a matter of fact, he still is! Whenever something breaks, I call Peter (and he ALWAYS comes running!). Whenever we go out of town, I call Peter and he takes excellent care of our pets (and I have a feeling he loves on them just like I do!).

As a parent, at times you are forced to stand-by and watch (and pray every moment of every day) and allow your children to make decisions on their own (even if you think they're the wrong decisions). As they grow older, circumstances in life can be difficult or wonderful (as it is for all of us). Sometimes they create the circumstances, sometimes they don't! But I LOVE it when things work out for my children! There is no greater joy in life (except your personal walk with the Lord)!

After many obstacles, my son's life now seems to be on the most amazing path! Not only am I proud of him and the choices he is making, but I'm impressed with the man he has become! He has the kindest Spirit of anyone I know; he stops to help everyone he sees on the side of the road (or in parking lots - I witnessed that one myself!). He is extremely intelligent (I can't take any credit for that one!), has a beautiful singing voice (I may have played a part in that one!), is REALLY great looking (I AM taking partial credit for that one - just kidding, he looks just like his dad!), and an all around great person! He loves the Lord and lives a life that shows it!

Today, and every day, I am grateful for his life and the powerful way he has (and continues to) impacted mine!

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